> 冬奥会 > 篮球比赛几点开始用英语怎么说


翻译我们与一班的篮球比赛将在什么时候开始(英语) - 雨露学...when will the basketball match vs class one begin ?they say that deliberately when does the basketball game begin bet


翻译我们与一班的篮球比赛将在什么时候开始(英语) - 雨露学...

when will the basketball match vs class one begin ?they say that deliberately when does the basketball game begin between we and the clas。

英语翻译1.篮球比赛是什么时候?翻译 2.在4月19日 翻译 3.戴...

when will the basketball match be held?On April 19thDave's birthday is October 18thJone


问题一:举行篮球赛用英语怎么说? hold a basketsball game,过去式是 held a basketball game 例句:We will hold a basketball game tomorrow. 明天。


and 1

告诉我你几点去打篮球.用英语怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

Please tell me when will you play basketball. Tell me when you will go to play basketball. Tell me when you go to play basketball.

用英语翻译:你们什么时候在哪里打篮球? - 雨露学习互助

When and where are you going to play basketball?希望对你有帮助

让我们在电视上看篮球比赛吧,翻译Let's___ ___match ___TV -...

Let's watch basketball match on TV.

钢琴课在什么时候?用英语怎么说? - 雨露学习互助

钢琴课在什么时候?-> What time is for the piano class?篮球比赛在那里进行?在第一体育馆. -> Where is the basketball match going to have? At 。

NBA 什么时候开始NBA 什么时候开始


用英语翻译:你们每天什么时候打篮球? - 雨露学习互助

When do you play basketball every day?