> 冬奥会 > 花样滑冰英文介绍50字


滑冰是一项什么运动英语作文 - 雨露学习互助there is a big skating ground near our school.in winter,i often go skating there,and i enjoy the sport very much. at first,i on


滑冰是一项什么运动英语作文 - 雨露学习互助

there is a big skating ground near our school.in winter,i often go skating there,and i enjoy the sport very much. at first,i only went t。

Speed skating英文介绍?

Speed skating involves two athletes wearing skates that start simultaneously and compete speeding on a 400m ice track. Speed skating began as a rap。

英语短文,50词左右,介绍一年四季气候特征的英语短文.湖南人 ...

A year has four seasons. Every season has three months. The weather of one season is different from that of any other. The life cycles of。


世界花样滑冰团体锦标赛(英语:ISU World Team Trophy in Figure Skating)简称“花滑团体世锦赛”,是由国际滑冰联合会(ISU)举办的世界顶级花样滑冰团体赛事。


kating There is a big skating ground near our school. In winter, I often go skating there, and I enjoy the sport very much. At fir... I b。

“花样滑冰”用英语怎么说? - 懂得

好象是halfgainer哦~ figureskating就是。不过我想,你不会是考我吧! figureskating呀 figureskating

用英语写几条喜欢滑旱冰的原因 - 雨露学习互助

Firstly,people can do exercises by going roller skating.It is healthy for our body.Secondly,going roller skating can embody intrepid move。


Hello everyone,my name is xxx,I am a boy/girl.I like red and blue.I like swimming and skating.There are three people in my family,my fath。


卡特琳娜·维特 在前东德,花样滑冰世界冠军维特是最为著名的体育明星。尽管东西德合并后,维特受到了德国报纸的抨击,被戴上了"间谍"、"特务"等等桂。

用英语写出五种你最喜欢的娱乐活动 - 雨露学习互助

play the piano,弹钢琴,play the guiter,弹吉他,go swimming,游泳,go shopping,去购物,play the computer,玩电脑 play the piano,弹钢琴,play the 。