> 冬奥会 > 篮球有多少年的历史英语


英文篮球历史篮球运动创始于一百多年前的桃子篮及一颗圆球。近几十年来,因为詹姆士。[最佳]The game of basketball was originated from a peach basket and a round ball more than one hundred years ag



篮球运动创始于一百多年前的桃子篮及一颗圆球。近几十年来,因为詹姆士。[最佳]The game of basketball was originated from a peach basket and a round ball more than one hundred years ago. In recent decades, Dr.James Naismith created the first rough basketball model, thus NBA has become the family of all th。


短一点就行[最佳]篮球的历史History of Basketball (2005-11-22) Basketball. The world's greatest sport ever. But of course, it hasn't been around since the world began. No, somebody had to have invented it. And that somebody would be James Naismi。

篮球运动有一百多年的历史 英语翻译

[最佳]The basketball has a history of over one hundred years.

篮球这项运动有一百多年的历史了 英语

[最佳]The sport of basketball has a history of more than one hundred years

篮球的历史 英文版

用英文叙述篮球的发展史[最佳]篮球发展史 2004-09-25 07:18:07 用球向悬在高处的目标进行投准比赛的球类活动。由于最初是用装水要的篮筐作投掷目标,故名“篮球”。现代篮球运动已经发展成为一项具有灵活巧妙的技术和变化多端的战术相结合的竞赛活动。从事篮球运动能促使人体的。


发展概况 篮球是1891年由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德(旧译春田)市基督。[最佳]Development Profile Basketball is 1891 by the United States Massachusetts Springfield (old translation Chun Tin), YMCA Training School physical education teachers J. Dr. Naishimisi created, initially, he will get two peach bask。

关于篮球的英语作文,有如下几点 1.篮球的历史有一...

2.以免给加拿大医生James Naismith发明了篮球 3.历史上第一场篮球赛是在。[最佳]历史篮球 这个。 近代篮球是加拿大人奈斯密斯于1891年在美国马萨诸塞参加篮球比赛的人数开始并不固定,通常是每队7人或9人,有时则多达50人。


篮球是谁发明的?(英语) 发明的日期?(英语)[最佳]篮球运动是在1891年,由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德市基督教青年会训练学校体育教帅詹姆士·奈史密斯博士发明的。当时,在寒冷的冬季,缺乏室内进行体育活动的球类竞赛项目。奈史密斯从工人和儿童用球向“桃子筐”投准的游戏中得到启发,设计将两只。

篮球的起源 英语的

谢谢大家,帮帮忙!!!![最佳]Basketball origin In at the beginning of December, 1891 after the American Massachusetts state Springfield Young Men's Christian Association international training school (for spring field institute), invented by this school gy。


[最佳]Basketball has a history of nearly 300 years.Todays it's still loved by both the young and the old.