> 春节百科 > 在除夕翻译



中国人在除夕吃年夜饭,守岁和看春晚. 翻译

Chinese eat the dinner on New Year's Eve on New Year's Eve, staying-upand watching the Spring Festival evening Chinese eat the dinner on ...


1.在除夕,全家人欢聚一堂,吃饺子、看春晚On New Year's Eve,the whole family enjoy a happy get-together,having /eating dumplings and waching ...

英汉互译:1.除夕2.直到午夜3.教师节4.儿童节5.have a family...

the New Year's Evetill midnightteachers' dayChinldren's Day家庭聚会迎接新年


翻译:烛影摇曳着红色的光芒,灯焰尚还明亮,知道天气严寒,雪积已深;我冒着寒冷披衣起来,要听除夕夜后新年雄鸡的第一声啼鸣 翻译:烛影摇曳着红色的光芒,灯焰尚还...



一句话英语翻译在除夕之夜,家家户户都要贴上对联. - 雨露学...

In the New Year's Eve,each and every family all must paste on theantithetical couplet

on double ninth festival 还是at?

festival前根据不同含义可用on或是at,但意义有差别: 1、用at,表示在节日期间。包含了节日那一天和前后几天,比如提到春节时,通常不止一天,包含了除夕、年初...

gala)在新年的除夕举行(take place).201 - 雨露学习互助

The Spring Festival Gala is held on the Chinese New Year Eve.The Gala held in 2012 has gained more admiring attentions then ever before,b...


We often watch great Spring Festival Gala on TV at New Year's Eve


Das Frühlingsfest kommt gleich.Es ist ein traditionelles chinesisches Fest.Am Silvesterabend(nach dem Mondkalender)esse ich mit meiner F...