> 春节百科 > 描写除夕的优美段落英语




Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festi...


Family members get together and have a big dinner. Children get a lot of red packets from their grandfather , grandmother And uncles and aunts. Peo...


It is a very important day for all families on New Year's Eve. We get up early and put on new clothes. My mother cooks many delicious foo...

关于除夕之夜的英语作文 100字左右 - 雨露学习互助

今天是除夕夜,家家户户灯火通明,阵阵扑来鱼肉香味,传来霹雳叭啦的鞭炮声音,.一派喜气洋洋的景象. 我家的菜桌上摆满了一大桌美味佳肴,有羊肉,有鱼肉...

除夕之夜的英语日记一则 - 雨露学习互助

Just like the Christmas Eve to western people, for Chinese, the Spring Festival eve is also a meaningful night, full of happiness and exp...


the activities or celebrations focus on praying for Good Fortunes and getting rid of Bad Fortunes. In ancient China's Zhou and Qin Dynast...


On new year's Eve, our family were all playing .Some people were watching TV. Some people were chatting .Some people were making dumplings .All of...

英语作文 《除夕,正月初一》 - 雨露学习互助

The Spring Festival Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar...


老一辈都记得这些节日的意义,然而有些年轻人却不知道。所以,当我们享受假日时,也需要更多的了解传统文化。 大家都会很兴奋得知有传统节日将要来临时,因为他们...

写一篇短文描述自己除夕一天的生活 【(英语)不少于60个单词...

New Year's eve a dayToday is the annual Chinese New Year's eve quarter,I sleeping till noon,waking up,prepare big enjoy the Spring Festiv...