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sing in the rain原唱?

Sing in the Rain 原唱:Tony Summa Written by:Mattia Del Forn/Rosalino Cellamare Distratto Sempre il solito Comunemente insolito Protagonista del mio circo Tra... Sing in the Rain 原唱:Tony Summa Written by:Mattia Del Forn/Rosalino Cellamare Distratto Sempre il solito Comunemente insolito Protagonista del mio circo Tra。


Let me be singing when the evening comes 当夜幕降临时,让我歌唱 Bless the lord oh my soul 上帝保佑我的灵魂 Oh my soul 哦,我的灵魂 Worship his holy name 什么都可能会过去,不管在我面前的是什么 Let me be singing when the evening comes 当夜幕降临时,让我歌唱 Bless the lord oh my soul 上帝保佑我的灵魂 Oh my soul 哦... What ever may pass and whatever lies before me 什么都可能会过去,不管在我面前的是什么 Let me be singing when the evening comes 当夜幕降临时,让我歌唱 Bless the ... 是时。


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Sing in the rain的原唱是谁?

《雨中曲》1952年 Gene Kelly 你去看《雨中曲》这部歌舞电影就知道了!主角就叫 Gene Kelly