> 冬奥会 > 他会踢足球英语怎么说


他也会打篮球和踢足球,用英语怎样说? - 雨露学习互助He will be playing football and basketball,他爱踢足球?用英语说急 - 雨露学习互助He likes playing foot/soccer ?my hobby is football这种表达对吗?"做某


他也会打篮球和踢足球,用英语怎样说? - 雨露学习互助

He will be playing football and basketball,

他爱踢足球?用英语说急 - 雨露学习互助

He likes playing foot/soccer ?

my hobby is football这种表达对吗?

"做某事"应该是表达某人的爱好,所以My hobby is football."我的爱好是足球"表达不对,应该是"我的爱好是踢足球",翻译过来是My hobby is playing football.再如。


He likes playing football and table tennis the best. 或者His favorite sports is playing football and table tennis 也可以 He likes playing。


题中句子"他会做什么?"翻译成英语是:What can he do?这是含有情态动词can的特殊疑问句,回答内容不固定,比如回答"他会踢足球"。He can play football. 将此句。

他喜欢踢足球用英语怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

He likes to play或playing soccer.

我认为他踢球很厉害英文怎么说 I think he plays football v...

可以这么说.I think he plays football very well.因为plays 是在从句里面.主句中只能有一个动词没错.但是主句加从句可以有两个动词. 可以这么说.I。


他在踢足球是正在进行的动作吧?怎么用过去式? 用过去进行时还可以,He was playing the football. 他在踢足球是正在进行的动作吧?怎么用过去式? 用过去进行时。

他经常在电视上看足球比赛,但他从来不踢足球.用英语怎么说. ...

He often watches football matches on TV, but he never plays football.


But he never plays football, he only watches football matches on the TV.