> 冬奥会 > 花样滑冰简介100字英文


求一篇关于花样滑冰的英文介绍,300字以上!谢谢! - 雨露学习互助2007 European Champion ice dancers Isabelle Delobel and Olivier Schoenfelder perform a lift in exhibition.----------


求一篇关于花样滑冰的英文介绍,300字以上!谢谢! - 雨露学习互助

2007 European Champion ice dancers Isabelle Delobel and Olivier Schoenfelder perform a lift in exhibition.-------------------------------。


速度滑冰(speed skating)短跑道速度滑冰(short track speed skating)高山滑雪(alpine skiing)自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)越野滑雪(cross-country。


你喜欢什么运动?What kind of sport do you like to play?为什么?Why?多久玩一次?How often do you play?喜欢哪个运动员?Who is your favorite pla。


Yuzuru Hanyu was born in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, yuzuru Hanyu 4 years old and sister together learn to skate, beginning of skat。


世界花样滑冰团体锦标赛(英语:ISU World Team Trophy in Figure Skating)简称“花滑团体世锦赛”,是由国际滑冰联合会(ISU)举办的世界顶级花样滑冰团体赛事。


kating There is a big skating ground near our school. In winter, I often go skating there, and I enjoy the sport very much. At fir... I b。

描绘冬天孩子们堆雪人,溜冰,打雪仗的场景,英语作文 - 雨露学...

Snow!Earth after the snow covered with a white coat, my little friends come out to play happy school. We run around in the snow, enjoying。


速度滑冰英语论文:"Speed skating English paper " 速度滑冰英语论文:"Speed skating English paper "

麻烦各位帮我写一个一分钟内的英语自我介绍,爱好:游泳,溜冰. ...

Hello everyone,my name is xxx,I am a boy/girl.I like red and blue.I like swimming and skating.There are three people in my family,my fath。


lassic )跳台滑雪,Team/4x5 km) 自由式滑雪,(... 滑雪分为:(Skiing)高山滑雪,(Ladies' Super Combined Downhill Slalom)越野滑雪,(Ladies' 30 km, Mass Start。