> 歌曲百科 > two tigers英文版歌曲

two tigers英文版歌曲

概述:答:中文版翻译歌词Two tigers Two tigers,two tiger running so fast, running so fast one has no ears,one has no tail How strange!How strange!


中文版翻译歌词Two tigers Two tigers,two tiger running so fast, running so fast one has no ears,one has no tail How strange!How strange! Are you sleeping Are you sleeping,are you sleeping Brother Bear Brother Bear? Morning bell。

英文版 两只老虎的歌词!!

Two tigers Two tigers,two tiger running so fast, running so fast one has no ears,one has no tail How strange!How strange! 其实源自古老的波希米亚民谣《雅各兄弟》(Frere Jacques) 在英文改编为 Are you sleeping Are you sleeping,are 。

两只老虎英文版 歌词 谁知道??

英文版 Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John? Morning bells are ringing. Morning bells are ringing. Ding, dang, dong.Ding, dang, dong. 《两只老虎》是一首被法国儿歌《雅克兄弟》(另译《雅克教士》,德国叫《。


Two tigers Two tigers,two tiger running so fast, running so fast one has no ears,one has no tail How strange!How strange!


Two tigersTwo tigers,two tigerrunning so fast, running so fastone has no ears,one has no tailHow strange!How strange! Are you sleepingAre you sleeping,are you sleepingBrother Bear Brother Bear?Morning bells are ringing,morning。


Two tigers,two tigers Run so fast,run so fast One has no ears One has no tail So strange!So strange!


Two tigers and two tigers. 两只老虎 两只老虎。 Run fast and run fast. 跑得快 跑得快。 One without ears and one without tail. 一只没有耳朵 一只没有尾巴。 It's strange, it's strange. 真奇怪 真奇怪。 《两只老虎》是一首改编自法国儿。

两只老虎英文歌词 ?

中文名:两只老虎 类目:儿童歌曲 起源:17世纪法国儿歌《雅克修士》 歌词起源:早于民国三十二年(1943) 中英文歌词: 两只老虎,两只老虎, 跑得快,跑得快, 一只没有耳朵, 一只没有尾巴, 真奇怪!真奇怪! 两只老虎,两只老虎, 跑得快,跑。


liǎng只zhī老lǎo虎hǔ ( TWO TIGEGRS) 两liǎng只zhī老lǎo虎hǔ ,Two tigers 两liǎng只zhī老lǎo虎hǔ Two tigers 跑pǎo得de快kuài ,跑pǎo得de快kuài Running so fast, Running so fast 一yì只zhī没méi有yǒu耳ěr朵duo ,One has no ears 一yì只zh。

two tigers英文版歌曲