> 春节百科 > 在除夕看电视放烟花吃饺子的英文



...在除夕那天晚上,我和家人 一起吃饺子、看电视、放鞭炮、烟...

Das Frühlingsfest kommt gleich.Es ist ein traditionelles chinesisches Fest.Am Silvesterabend(nach dem Mondkalender)esse ich mit meiner F...

除夕夜吃饺子看春晚 用英语翻译 - 雨露学习互助

On New Year's Eve to eat dumplings at Spring Festival Gala


My families are fond of having Jiaozi sticking the Spring Festival couplets,setting off the firecrackers on the eve of Spring Festival.We...


除夕晚上用on 具体的一天不管是晚上早上还是下午 都要用on月 年用in具体时间点用at扩展资料 除夕夜是指每年农历十二月的最后一天的晚上,它与新年(...


我们在除夕夜吃传统的家庭大餐来庆祝这个节日 On New Year's Eve, we eat traditional family dinner to celebrate the festival. 我们在除夕夜吃...


On New Year's eve,the whole family get together on New Year's eve,see day television gala.New Year's eve dinner is very rich,very delicio...

全家一起吃饺子,一起看春节晚会,用英语怎么说? - 雨露学习互助

The whole family get together to eas Jiaozi and watch the Spring Festival Party.注:如果是央视春晚就应该是China Central Television New Yea...


我喜欢过年因为过年可以吃年夜饭放烟花还可以拜年 I love Spring Festival because I can eat the dinner on New Year's Eve fireworks can also pay New Yea...


放炮 fire a gun 放鞭炮 to shoot off firecrackers; to set off firecrackers 贴对联placard couplet 包饺子 make dumplings 放炮 fire a gun 放...


除夕,放鞭炮,十二生肖和过年:Set off firecrackers on New Year's eve, and celebrate the Chinese zodiac 除夕,放鞭炮,十二生肖和过年:Set off firecrackers...